Welcome to eSchool System

World class school management software


All-in-one Cloud Edition

A cloud based, real-time, scalable data driven software and a mobile app that simplifies school management processes.

User Friendly

The system is very simple to navigate through. No need for special training on how to use the system


The system is available 24/7


The system gives users 360 degree view of students data including academic performance, fees payments, attendance records and sporting activities.



Hours Of Support

Years of Work

Why eSchool System

eSchool is a School Management Software, specifically designed and developed to simplify the process of educational institutions meets with all the technological and administrative requirements of schools. The many tools enable proper workflow in different departments leaving no room for errors with a view to encourage and make positive difference in students.

The paperless automation of eSchool provides the facility to perform all the activities of the school, making them easy, fast, efficient and accurate. We at Endtoend Solutions understand the importance of a centralized database management system and have designed and developed eSchool system after a thorough analysis, to ease the work of the institute stakeholders.

This complete school management system automates and administers different academic and non-academic tasks in a school making them easy, fast, efficient and accurate, aiding multiple departments, prospective students, faculties, staff and others. This school automation system has been created to help every institution manage all their data in a seamless and systematic manner. The product ensures to provide quality and result oriented solutions to all your worries.

The system comes with a mobile app as a way of giving guardians access to student records stored in the system and communicate with the school.

WhatsApp chatbot is also part of the system that gives parents access to all the functionality available on the mobile app through WhatsApp. Guardians initiate interaction with the chatbot and it immediately responds giving them access to all the functionality available on the mobile app.


Each module has a dashboard that will give a 360view of the module. The dashboards gives one an option to drill down to the finer details of each module.

  • All
  • App
  • Dashboards
  • Reports


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114 Mandalay Rd, Waterfalls, Harare

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+263 773 529 052
+27 81 061 2552

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